
This server provides you access to your mailing list environment. Starting from this web page, you can perform subscription options, unsubscription, archive, list moderation, list configuration.
If you have any questions please write an e-mail to listmaster@lists.kit.edu.



For new mailing lists that are created according to a template, the default value for the “Protection modes” parameter under “DMARC protection” has been set to “all” (instead of “DMARC policy suggests rejection” as before).
This parameter can be found on the administration page of the list under “Edit list configuration” -> “DKIM/DMARC/ARC”.
As a result, the e-mail address of the list is set as the From address instead of the e-mail address of the original sender for all e-mails sent via the list.
Further information on this can be found on the website with the administrators FAQ.


“New function “Allowed senders” and “Moderated senders”

On the KIT mailing list server, it is now possible to assign sending authorizations via the address lists “Blocked senders”, “Moderated senders” and “Allowed senders”. Information on this can be found on the website Information for list operators

Logging In

Many functions in Sympa require you to identify yourself to the system by logging in, using the login form in the top right menu.

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